Hair fall can be stopped by following certain advices


Day by day the hair of the head is getting thinner, it is falling out, baldness is falling — such words can be heard in the mouths of many. There is no end to the worries about hair loss, hair loss or thinning hair. Men and women are all victims of it. Hair is made up of a protein called keratin. Hair contains 98% protein and 3% water. All we see in the hair is dead cells. Because there are no sensory cells in it. Hair cells have a life cycle of their own. Its growth phase, stability and subsequent fallout. But sometimes that life cycle can be disrupted.

Hair loss can be caused by stress, poor quality of life, lack of a balanced diet, not sleeping at the right time or not getting enough sleep. In addition, hormonal imbalances and excessive travel can create problems in the life cycle of hair cells. If you lose hair for a long time, you will lose long lasting hair. And if the hair loss is intense, you may lose hair in a short time.

Hair grows by half an inch every month. Normally hair grows from two to four years. Then the growth slows down. Hair grows faster in summer but less in winter. The average lifespan of a hair is two to eight years. So hair falls out naturally every day.

Causes of hair loss: 

Excessive amounts of hair can fall out due to various reasons. The main reasons are

Lack of vitamins minerals: and Malnutrition or various vitamins and minerals in the body is the main cause of hair loss. If all kinds of nutrients are not absorbed according to the needs of our body while eating, it will not be able to fill the deficiency of the body, as a result of which the hair follicles will become weak like everything else.

Unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle: Excessive fried burns, oily foods, cigarettes, cold drinks, excessive tea-coffee consumption, irregular and insufficient sleep, not doing physical work, etc. are associated with hair loss.

Lack of cleanliness: Unhygienic scalp hair is easily infected by germs, resulting in excess hair loss.

Excessive fatigue, fatigue, anxiety, depression – all these problems prevent digestion and absorption in our body. Therefore, various nutrient deficiencies are created in the body, resulting in increased hair loss.

Alopecia areata: Abnormalities of the immune system destroy the hair follicles. Physical and mental stress can increase the disease. This disease can cause hair loss from different parts of the scalp.

Diseases: Hair loss can be due to various diseases, such as typhoid, malaria.

Side effects of medicines: Hair loss is also a side effect of various harsh medicines.

If chemotherapy is given: Hair can fall out due to cancer. When chemotherapy is given as a treatment for cancer, the patient’s hair falls out. During this time the hair falls out due to the radiation effect of chemotherapy.

Change of place: If you change the place of residence a lot of the time, if the body is not able to adapt to the weather, water, air, etc., then the amount of hair loss increases.

Hormonal changes: Hair loss often increases due to hormonal changes in girls. For example, during pregnancy, menopause, etc., when there are hormonal differences in the body, hair loss increases a lot.

Use cosmetics with extra chemicals: Use cosmetics with extra chemicals in hair, straighten or curl hair with extra heat, dye hair

Lack of proper care: Dry your hair with a hair dryer after shampooing in winter? That too can cause problems. If you heat your hair regularly, it becomes rough, and the problem of hair loss may increase. The ends of the hair can be torn. The palate may become dry. The problem of dandruff can also increase. Lack of necessary care and proper care for hair causes dandruff on the scalp, this is also the reason for hair fall.

Hereditary hair can fall on many people. It can be seen that if the father / uncle has a history of baldness, then the next generation also becomes bald with age.

Therefore, it is understood that the real causes of hair loss should be identified and measures should be taken for them first. Without any remedy for these causes, only hair loss prevention cosmetics are used. If the hair does not get the necessary nutrition from the inside, how can it be healthy?

What to do to prevent hair loss:

Improve Food habit :

Most of the time it is seen that malnutrition leads to hair loss. Poor families lack adequate food but affluent families also suffer from malnutrition. In this day and age, many young people start dieting uncontrollably without the advice of a dietitian to keep themselves slim. Due to which they often suffer from malnutrition. Lack of vitamins and minerals is the main cause of hair loss. Not everyone has the same type and cause of hair loss problems, so it should be taken with the advice of a doctor and dietitian to understand the condition.

  1. Vitamin B7 or Biotin – It increases hair density, reduces hair fall, increases hair thickness and helps new hair to grow. If there is a deficiency of vitamin B7 in a regular diet, hair loss increases. The lack of biotin in one’s body can be understood by looking at the amount of hair loss. In order to eliminate the deficiency of biotin in the body, biotin-rich foods should be given in the diet such as – green vegetables, different types of bean foods, different types of pulses, bananas, etc. These are one of the best sources of vitamin B7 or biotin.
  1. Vitamin A – Lack of vitamin A in the body causes many serious problems. Vitamin A deficiency in the body is understood when the hair loses moisture, the hair becomes dry and lifeless. So it is necessary to add foods rich in vitamin A in the diet. Liver, fish oil, eggs, milk, green vegetables, various colorful fruits and vegetables such as sweet pumpkin, tomato, carrot, sweet potato, etc. are the main sources of vitamin A. These foods contain vitamin A along with omega 3 fatty acids and various antioxidants which are very beneficial for the body. Especially for hair, eyes and skin.
  1. Vitamin D – Vitamin D is very important to reduce hair loss, especially for girls. Studies have shown that all girls are more prone to hair loss than those who suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Sunlight helps our skin produce vitamin D. Besides, marine fish, fish oil, egg yolk etc. are good sources of vitamin D.
  1. Vitamin C – This is a good quality antioxidant. That is, it limits the amount of free radical damage to body cells. Excess free radicals produced by cell oxidation cause a lot of damage to our skin and hair along with causing problems in various internal functions of the body. This is why hair follicles are damaged and hair loss increases with age. Antioxidants such as vitamin C reduce the risk of oxidation. Vitamin C protects against premature hair loss and prevents hair loss. Vitamin C should be included in the daily balanced diet because vitamin C cannot be stored in our body. Guava, mango, orange, lemon, grapefruit, star apple, various berries, bean sprouts, etc. are the best sources of vitamin C.
  1. Vitamin E – It is one of the best vitamins to prevent hair loss which is a good antioxidant. Studies have shown that people with excess hair loss have lower levels of antioxidants in their scalp and greater risk of oxidative damage to the hair follicles. Vitamin E capsules can be taken as a supplement if you take foods with vitamin E in your diet and if you have a lot of hair loss. Foods rich in vitamin E are different types of nuts, especially almonds or walnuts, spinach, spinach, mustard, coriander, broccoli, avocado, various almond oils, olive oil, papaya, etc. One thing that is very common in our country now is, when someone starts having hair loss or any hair problem, they start buying vitamin E capsules from the market. But no one really cares about the amount of vitamin E you need to take. You must consult a doctor or dietitian before using any vitamin or mineral supplement. Vitamin E Capsules should be taken before taking Vitamin E supplements, but only if the deficiency of Vitamin E is not reduced.
  1. Iron:  Iron deficiency is the most common cause of malnutrition in all parts of the world. It is found in the population of all developing and developed countries. There are many reasons for iron deficiency. Iron is an important part of the hemoglobin in our blood that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Studies have shown that iron deficiency anemia increases hair loss. Iron deficiency causes hair to fall out most of the time. Good sources of iron are bean sprouts, dark chocolate, lentils, meat, liver, eggs, nuts, dried fruits, red rice, etc.
  1. Zinc – Lack of zinc also causes hair loss. Zinc deficiency can be noticed in patients with baldness. In general, the metabolism of zinc in the body of patients with bald heads is not normal, which results in a decrease in the amount of zinc in the blood. Therefore, along with giving zinc-rich foods, zinc needs to be treated for proper metabolism. The best sources of zinc are peas, garlic, and sweet pumpkin seeds. Also zinc rich foods like chicken, beef, wheat or red flour, spinach, nuts, dark chocolate etc.
  1. Iodine: Iodine – Problems with the body’s thyroid gland can lead to hair loss. Iodine works on the secretion of this thyroid hormone. 27% of people with thyroid problems suffer from hair loss and baldness. Hair growth does not occur when the right amount of thyroid hormone is not released, resulting in thinning of the hair. In this case iodine intake should be increased. Iodized foods include seafood, cranberries, strawberries, cheese, yogurt, milk, shrimp, various marine fish, bananas, pineapple, etc. We should use iodized salt in our daily cooking, then there will not be so much iodine deficiency.
  1. Foods with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids: Marine fish, walnuts, walnuts, eggs, olive oil, etc. contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that maintain the hormonal balance of the hair, prevent hair loss and protect the scalp from fungal infections.

How to take care of hair

  1. Oil must be applied to stop hair loss or to take care of hair. And the best in this case is coconut oil. Coconut oil makes hair smooth and healthy. It has antibacterial properties, which protects the hair from the attack of any bacteria or fungus.
  2. Comb your hair 5-6 times a day. The more the scalp is combed, the better the blood circulation will be and the hair will stop falling out.
  3. Do not take any medicine for hair. Try to regrow hair through natural foods and home remedies.
  4. Use good brand oils and shampoos.
  5. Drink water regularly. Avoid anxiety.
  6. Do not tie wet hair. Use the towel gently. Stay under the fan to dry hair.
  7. Avoid teasing the hair

If we make our daily food list a little better, adding the necessary vitamins and minerals to our daily diet will not be lacking in the body. If you see hair falling out, you should look at your daily diet before using the cosmetics available in the market. Hair loss can be reduced through a proper diet. However, vitamin and mineral supplement capsules or tablets should not be taken first. Consult a doctor and dietitian, because not everyone has the same body needs.


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