Importance of nutritious diet for a healthy life


A nutritious diet refers to a combination of six food groups in the daily diet. The six food groups are: carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, water and fats. In the reality of Bangladesh, people are still dependent on surplus rice and food containing insufficient nutrients. As a result, other nutritious foods. Such as vegetables, fish-meat, eggs-milk, there is not much emphasis on eating them.

Studies have identified lack of awareness among people about proper eating habits as the main cause of malnutrition. Many people are not able to buy nutritious food like fish, meat, vegetables and fruits due to lack of money. But many local and readily available foods are of high nutritional value. Even though many people have the ability to buy these foods, due to lack of awareness, they do not know what food to eat and how much. An average adult healthy normal person needs 2100 kcal per day. So it can be seen that people are eating three/four full meals, filling the required calories, but not getting the required nutrients. If sugars are eaten on a full stomach without other nutrients, then that is also malnutrition. Besides, fear of food adulteration, many people knowingly avoid nutritious food. Again, due to the way it is cooked, the nutritional content of the food is lost.

People who are below the poverty line in our country are the ones who mainly suffer from malnutrition. However, despite the affordability, there is also a large population in Qatar suffering from malnutrition due to lack of awareness. According to nutritionists, nutritional needs are different at different ages. Among these, the nutritional needs of women during puberty and pregnancy are relatively high. The way mother-child nutrition is monitored in Bangladesh, meeting the nutritional needs of adolescent boys and girls is not given due importance in most cases. Apart from this, it is known from the research that the nutritional aspect of the elderly population is also neglected. Also, young girls are negatively affected and suffer from various adverse gender issues, which lead to malnutrition. Due to rules and customs, child marriage, early pregnancy etc., girls face malnutrition.

In order to eliminate malnutrition, research has mainly focused on three things. First, increasing access to a variety of nutritious foods. While increasing the production of large fish to meet the shortage of meat, we also need to be interested and aware of increasing the production of more nutritious small fish. Besides, it is necessary to keep such readily available nutritious food within the purchasing power of all classes of people. A campaign should be conducted at all levels of the society to create healthy eating habits in such a way that everyone is aware of it and ensure the presence of a variety of food items that are readily available at low cost. For this, it is necessary to change the habits at the individual level as well as social changes.

Bangladesh’s food policy and agricultural policy have emphasized on food production, but there has been a lack of awareness among people about changes in eating habits. So social change is needed along with habit change at the individual level to increase awareness. Besides, research needs to emphasize on improving the nutritional status of girls and women by empowering them and thereby making them better human resources, although this is being done more seriously than before.

One study found that people who ate more vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, fish, unsaturated fatty acids and fish oil supplements in their diet (the control group) had less depression. Also, consumption of a low-nutrient diet, high in saturated fatty acids, refined carbohydrates, and processed foods from birth to eight years of age is associated with poorer mental health during childhood and adolescence. Along with malnutrition, overnutrition also causes physical problems. As we know there are multiple reasons behind obesity, obesity can be caused by uneven eating habits. There is a complex relationship between obesity and mental health.

A nutritious healthy diet helps in brain development. Brain proteins and enzymes act as neurotransmitters, regulate certain hormones, and improve nervous system and brain health. Food increases the beneficial bacteria in the gut; Which helps to keep the internal condition of the intestine healthy. As a result intestinal inflammation is reduced. Inflammation affects thinking and mood. Serotonin is produced in the digestive system. Food helps increase serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that connects the nerves in the brain, which affects mood, pleasure, thinking, sleep, etc. Certain foods help keep our brain healthy.

Foods rich in zinc help boost immunity. Also if zinc is low in diet it causes depression. Zinc helps us retain memory. Yogurt, fish, beef, eggs, milk, cheese, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms, sesame seeds, peanuts, cashews, spinach etc. are good sources of zinc.

Omega-3 fatty acids regulate our mood. Also it helps to think and improve thinking. Omega-3 is an unsaturated fat, found mainly in fish oil. However, it is found more in marine fish. Fish like hilsa, tuna, salmon, and sardine are also found in some foods that contain omega-3. Also, omega-3s are also found in walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseed oil, soybeans, and green leafy vegetables. Omega 3 fatty acids as needed daily.    Acidic foods help maintain blood flow to the brain and reduce inflammation.
Foods rich in antioxidants help to reduce fatigue, maintain vitality, and improve memory. Vitamin C, E, beta carotene, peanuts, green tea, red flour, almonds etc help prevent memory problems.

Lack of B-12 vitamin causes problems like lethargy, fatigue, irritability, stress, depression. Amnesia or forgetfulness is caused by vitamin B-12 deficiency, especially in older people. Therefore, it is necessary to consume food rich in vitamin-12 to improve memory. Vitamin-12 is found in milk, eggs, cheese, and low-fat yogurt.

Vitamin C-rich foods should be included in the daily diet. It acts as an antioxidant, keeps the collagen flexible and dries up the wound faster. Vitamin-C helps reduce depression. It plays a role in the movement of neurotransmitters in the brain and the exchange of information. It also helps in the production of serotonin. Serotonin plays a role in regulating our emotions, mood, pain and feelings. It works in the absorption of iron in the intestine. Lemons and citrus fruits are one of the main sources of vitamin-C. Vitamin C is found in oranges, amla, grapefruit, malta, plums, green chilies, yams, grapes, papaya, green vegetables etc.

Iron deficiency causes anemia. And because of this depression can be created. Just as the lack of hemoglobin causes various problems in the body, it also causes problems in attention. Can’t focus on anything. Eliminate this deficiency by consuming foods like cow or goat liver, beef, eggs, chickpeas, flour, bean seeds, jaggery, dates, raisins, bananas, yams, amra, watermelon, fenugreek, puishak, chickpeas, spinach etc. goes

Cereals contain fiber, various vitamins and minerals. Food made of red flour, red rice is beneficial. If grains are refined, their nutritional value is greatly reduced. Glucose is obtained from grains. Glucose is used directly in the brain. Low-GI foods help keep you mentally alert throughout the day by slowly releasing energy into the bloodstream. The glycemic index or GI or low-GI refers to the increase in total blood glucose levels within 2 hours of food intake. GI depends on the carbohydrates, proteins, fats and dietary fibers present in the food. Glucose has a GI of 100, fish and meat have zero GI, pulses, milk, vegetables and most fruits have a low GI. Brown rice, whole wheat, is a medium-GI food.

To keep the diet balanced, our daily diet includes grain-based foods such as rice-flour-corn; Protein foods like fish-meat-eggs-pulses should be kept as required. Milk and dairy food should be taken in moderate amounts according to age or according to demand, vegetables and fruits should be taken in sufficient quantity and oil and fat like food should be taken according to age requirement. Malnutrition and overnutrition both reduce the body’s immunity. So it is important to take daily calories based on age, sex, type of work. In this case, first of all, we need awareness.


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