Biden family gets into further controversy


When the brouhaha over US President Joe Biden’s improper retention of classified and secret documents, back in 2017, Caroline Biden, the daughter of Joe Biden’s brother Jim Biden and his wife, Sara Biden pleaded guilty to buying makeup for more than US$100,000 with a stolen credit card. Although Caroline Biden was supposed to face a grand larceny charge and the prison sentence, using family influence she managed to skip such harsher punishments and succeeded in getting just two years of probation – time she wanted to serve in Los Angeles. On July 26, 2018, she texted Hunter Biden from a New York City probation office, telling him she urgently needed a California address so her lawyer could transfer her probation there.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, Keeping Caroline Biden out of prison was a Biden family affair and Hunter Biden was at the center of the effort. He moved to the West Coast at least in part to escape family drama, he explained in a July 17 message, saying his sister-in-law and former lover Hallie Biden had asked him to leave the state of Delaware. His day to day in California, text messages and passages from his 2021 autobiography reveal, was largely spent cooking up batches of crack cocaine and negotiating rates with prostitutes. But Joe Biden, according to a text from Caroline Biden to Hunter Biden, thought Hunter Biden was a “good influence” on her.

“Your dad thinks you’re a good influence which you are”, she wrote in a text message to Hunter Biden on July 20, 2018.

In text messages, Caroline Biden repeatedly referred to Hunter Biden as her “partner in crime”, and the pair commiserated over their “sick” family. She was trying to move to California to be closer to him.

Hunter Biden, Caroline Biden said, was the only family member she felt she could talk to, because “the majority of my family thinks I’m nuts and untalktoable”.

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She complained that “our family’s sick”, that she had “no relationship with my nuclear family”, and that she had to “do everything on my fucking own”, including finding a place to live in California.

That said, Caroline Biden does not appear to have been doing much on her own. Before Caroline Biden reached out to Hunter Biden for help, her father, Jim Biden, had asked Hunter Biden for help with the situation. “I need help with Caroline, she is off the rails”, Jim Biden told Hunter Biden in a July 13 message.

Jim Biden also asked Hunter Biden to convince Caroline Biden to accept a job, another term of her transfer to California. But Caroline Biden, who at 31 had only had cushy jobs secured by her family and had no intention of lowering her standards.

Emails show she was a candidate for a job from Masimo Corporation, a California company owned by one of Joe Biden’s largest donors, with an US$85,000 base salary, a guaranteed 10 percent bonus, and stock options. She was hesitant, she said, because the pay was insufficient.

“That’s below minimum wage in California after taxes”, Caroline Biden told her father Jim Biden in an email. “I cannot take this job. I have never made this little money in my life”. Caroline Biden said she could not take a job for “less than US$180,000”.

Caroline Biden appears to have interviewed for the job, but “bombed” the interview, telling Hunter Biden that she was nonetheless offered an internship because Joe Biden asked for a favor. “I didn’t get the job”, she told Hunter Biden. “I was given an intern job at 31 years old because of your dad asking him to give me something even though I bombed it”.

By July 28, a dejected Caroline Biden told Hunter Biden that Joe Biden was “done” with her. And Jim Biden was losing his patience too. “Your dad told me he was done with me yesterday”, she said, adding that her father was not going to let her go to California to see Hunter Biden without a place to stay. “Dad said he won’t let me come back until I have a place to stay and a car”, she wrote. “He’s not ‘paying for me to be out there for 6 weeks doing nothing’”.

Hunter Biden told his “crazy” cousin that everything would be fine. “Dont stress about the job shithead,” he said in a series of late-night texts. “You are crazy im crazy and two crazies make…double the cray I guess. It’ll be fun we may just blow up a house and rob banks together”.

Caroline Biden was also arrested for driving under the influence of drugs in the state in September 2020, but managed to avoid serving time after her family succeeded in influencing the court in accepting a plea bargain.


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