AP: Millions of dead fish stranded on shore in southeast Australia due to heat and flooding


March 19 – BLiTZ. In southeastern Australia, millions of dead fish have washed ashore due to hot weather and flooding. The agency informs <a rel=”nofollow noopener” class=”tcpfbfa” href=”https://apnews.com/article/australia-dead-fish-5855b0d5373fe38ece68e732035af603″ target=”_blank”>Associated Press</a>.

It all started when residents in the town of Menindee began to complain about a strong unpleasant smell caused by a large number of dead fish on the shore, because of this they even had to use protective masks. In addition, they claim that the dead fish also ended up in the local river, the water from which flows directly into the taps to the city dwellers.

The NSW Department of Industry explained the phenomenon. According to them, this was due to hot weather and previous floods. After that, the water began to leave, and the temperature in the air was greatly increased, which led to a low level of oxygen, and subsequently its lack was reflected in the fish.

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