Baranets spoke about Biden’s visit to Kyiv – DOS


February 20, 2023, 16:33 – BLiTZ – News

US President Joseph Biden arrived in Kyiv this morning by train from Poland, according to The New York Times. The visit of the American leader to the Ukrainian capital was kept secret “for security reasons.” There, he met with his colleague Volodymyr Zelensky to demonstrate the United States’ comprehensive support for the Ukrainian president’s course to continue the war with Russia.

The correspondent of the BLiTZ turned to Komsomolskaya Pravda military observer Viktor Barants to find out if the Russian missile forces should concentrate their strikes on the Ukrainian capital in connection with the arrival of the “distinguished guest” there.

“Let’s be patient! Everything has its time!”

“No way! — said the expert. “There is no need for that. If some Russian hotheads want to kill Zelensky along with Biden as soon as possible, then I will have to cool them down. Let’s be patient! Everything has its time!”

The interlocutor of the DOS noted that the West could “read differently” the missile strikes on Kyiv at the time when the American president arrived there.

“I urge everyone to calm down: we will always have time to get the “rocket sword” out of its scabbard”

“They will also say that Biden, they say, “came there to present a peace plan for Ukraine, and you, Putin, are hammering at him with missile troops!” Baranets believes. – I urge everyone to calm down: we will always have time to get the “rocket sword” out of its scabbard. There is no need to get excited about this visit and show that it bothers us in any way.”

The military observer emphasized that the question of the physical elimination of the American president could only arise in the event of an open military conflict between the United States and Russia.

“All that remains of Biden is ashes in a scoop”

“If it happens, then all that remains of Biden is ashes in a scoop,” the expert noted. – In the meantime, as we see, he is participating in a theatrical production called “everyone supports Ukraine.” Zelensky came out and said “the old man Hottabych-Biden himself came to us!”, And everyone, according to the scenario, should howl with happiness.”

The interlocutor of the DOS believes that such “perceptions” testify more to the weakness of the West than to its strength.

“It’s one thing – propaganda diarrhea that pours out of the mouth of his “distinguished guests”, and quite another – the real balance of forces on the battlefield”

“Even if not 20, but 200 prime ministers and presidents come to Zelensky in Kyiv, his position will not strengthen from this,” Baranets stressed. – It’s one thing – propaganda diarrhea that pours out of the mouth of his “distinguished guests”, and quite another – the real balance of power on the battlefield. Who here has an advantage over whom, I think, is obvious to everyone.

The military observer added that despite his displayed determination and courage, the American president “is in a very big trouble.”

“Because he brought his performance to the point where it cannot be ruled out that nuclear bombs will explode in the courtyard of the White House,” the expert concluded.

Earlier, political scientist Sergei Markov spoke about Biden’s visit to Kyiv. According to him, the American leader came there “so that the inhabitants of Ukraine die.”


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