Bihar: Its children are ahead of other states in addition and subtraction of mathematics, know the new report of NCERT


The children of Bihar are ahead of the children of other states in addition and subtraction of mathematics. However, instead of finger tricks or mental calculation, solve maths questions more with paper-pencil. This report is from NCERT. NCERT, in collaboration with UNICEF, conducted a foundational learning study, in which children studying in class III of government and private schools of Bihar and other states were included. According to the survey report, 72 percent of Bihar’s children were able to add marks above 999, while the national average is 53 percent. At the same time, 65 percent of the children of Bihar were successful in subtraction of marks above 999. In this, the national average is 40 percent. 83 percent of Bihar’s children use paper-pencil for math addition and subtraction, while the national average is 77 percent. On the other hand, nine percent of children use finger tricks, which is the national average of 15 percent. Mental calculation is done by only eight percent of the children.

Sample taken of 2819 children of the state including Muzaffarpur

NCERT, in collaboration with UNICEF, conducted a survey in all the states last year. Children of third grade were included in this. A sample test of 2819 children of 295 schools was taken from all the districts of Bihar, on the basis of which the report was made. At the same time, study has been done on 86 thousand children of 10 thousand schools across the country.

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It is difficult to identify the day-month of the calendar

According to the report, the children of Bihar find it difficult to identify the month, date and day on the calendar. 60 percent of the children identified it, while 62 percent of the children were successful at the national level. In Bihar, 24 per cent children identified the month, date and day with assistance, while 5 per cent did so incorrectly. And 10 percent did not give any answer. According to the national level report, 20 percent of the children made the correct identification after the help, while 6 percent gave the wrong identification. 12 percent did not give any answer.

61 percent children told the right time

During the survey, 61 percent of the third grade children told the correct time. 28 percent gave the correct answer when given a little hint, but 11 percent didn’t say anything. At the same time, at the national level only 52 percent children could tell the correct time. 36 percent gave the correct answer on the help, 12 percent could not give any answer.

survey participation

Participant- Total- Hindi- English- Urdu

School- 295- 132- 93- 70

Teacher- 561- 246-174- 141

Student – 2819- 1265- 881- 673

Report: Dhananjay Pandey, Muzaffarpur


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