Bihar Madrasa Education Board: Faukania and Maulvi’s exam date released, for the first time optional subject not included


Bihar State Madrassa Education Board Has released the program of Faukania and Maulvi exam on Thursday. The exam will be conducted in two shifts from July 10 to 15. The first shift will be from 8:45 am to 12 noon and the second shift will be from 1:45 pm to 5:00 pm. Additional time of 15 minutes will be given to read the question paper.

not an optional subject for the first time

The board has said that all the subjects of Faucania are the same, for the first time the optional subject has not been kept. For the first time in Maulvi session exam, Maulvi has four faculties based on Arts, Science, Commerce and Islamiat. There are five optional subjects in Maulvi Arts, out of which a candidate will appear for any three subjects, which will be based on 300 marks. Total five optional subject exams will be taken in five days. Candidates who have opted for the optional subject will appear for their subject on the same day on which the exam is held.

Students will also mark the faculty along with the subject

Students of Maulvi faculty will also mark the faculty along with the subject in the faculty column of the answer sheet. Candidates will have to appear in the examination in any one of the selected language from Hindi, English and Farsi language, but the examination of all the three languages ​​will be held together and the candidates will give the examination according to the selected option.


Date: First Shift: Second Shift

July 10: Dinitay I: Dinitay II

11 July : Arabic: Farsi

12 July : Urdu : Hindi

July 13: Maths: Science

July 15: Social Science: English


Date: First Shift: Second Shift

July 10 , Dinitay I (Arts, Science, Commerce) and Islamic History , Diniyat II (Arts, Science, Commerce) and Islamic Politics

July 11 , Arabic (Arts, Science, Commerce and Istamiyat) , Urdu (Arts, Science, Commerce and Istamiyat)

July 12 , English, Hindi, Farsi (Arts, Science, Commerce and Istamiyat) , History Elective (Arts), Physics (Science) Business Study (Commerce), Deeniyat I (Islamiyat)

July 13 , GEOGRAPHY ELECTIVE (ARTS), CHEMISTRY (SCIENCE), ACCOUNTANCY (COMMERCE), DINEET II , Political Science Elective (Arts), Biology and Mathematics (Science), Economics or Entrepreneurship (Commerce), Diniyat III (Islamiyat)

July 15 , Economics (Arts) , Home Science Elective (Arts)


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