G20 foreign ministers meeting in New Delhi, India


March 2 – BLiTZ.

On the morning of March 2, the official part of the meeting of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the G20 countries opened. It takes place in India in the city of New Delhi. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova posted a video on her Telegram channel in which Sergey Lavrov greets the Indian Foreign Minister at a meeting of the G20 Foreign Ministers.

The first country to come to India was Germany, led by Annalena Burbock. The event was attended simultaneously by the US representative in the person of Anthony Blinken and a member of the British Foreign Office, Josep Borrell. According to the published frame on the network, it is noticeable that the Russian representative Sergey Lavrov is at the table next to the head of Mexico.

It is noted that the beginning of the meeting began with a minute of silence, where they honored the memory of all those who died during the earthquake in Turkey.

Earlier, the press secretary of the German Foreign Ministry, Burger, said that the representative of the FRG, Annalena Berbock, would not avoid the Russian delegation, but she would not allow her to speak from the stands either.

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