How to get bedbugs out of the apartment yourself – News


February 16, 2023, 21:27 – BLiTZ – News The most effective and easiest way to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment is to call a special pest control service, but such treatment will cost the homeowner quite a lot, especially since a second procedure is often required. The BLiTZ figured out how you can get rid of bed bugs yourself.

Bedbugs can enter the room along with used furniture, “arrive” on purchased clothes, or catch on the pet’s fur and get into the house after a walk. Consider the most effective methods of dealing with this insect.

How to find

First of all, you should understand exactly in which places the bloodsuckers started. To do this, carefully inspect the corners and joints between the wall and the back of the sofa, look under the lower upholstery of the furniture, check the folds of the upholstery and mattress.

You can suspect the appearance of insects in the house by small blood spots on the bedding, as well as by black dots, which are the excrement of these individuals, or keratinized membranes that the bugs shed during the molting period.

At night, turn on a bright light sharply – the bugs will not have time to scatter, and you will definitely be sure that insects have started on your bed.

Folk remedies

If the homeowner is sure that the minimum number of bedbugs has settled on the territory of the apartment, then you can resort to folk remedies:

table vinegar

You can use this tool to process all hard surfaces on which insects were seen. These creatures cannot stand the pungent smell. In this case, the substance will not harm the tissues.

They do not like bedbugs and herbal smell. You can set fire to a deep bowl a small amount of rosemary, thyme, wormwood or valerian and leave to smoke for a while, but always under the supervision of adults.

A good remedy for bedbugs is eucalyptus or lavender oil. They have a pleasant aroma for humans, but insects do not tolerate it.

The smell of kerosene or gasoline can also drive away bloodsuckers. Also, turpentine has proven itself well in the fight against bedbugs.

All these methods can only scare away a small number of bedbugs, therefore they are only a temporary measure. Photo:

Hot and cold temperature

Another way to deal with bed bugs is to change the temperature:

Linen on which bedbugs are found should be treated with very hot air or steam; an alcohol burner is suitable for processing metal products. Even a standard wash at +60 degrees is able to cope with bedbugs and their eggs.

The opposite method involves freezing bedbugs. To do this, it is recommended to ventilate the room in winter at a temperature of -25 degrees, and also put mattresses, pillows, bedding and other items on the balcony on which bedbugs could settle.


The most reliable means of dealing with bedbugs at home is chemistry. Consider the most popular chemicals:


Preparations, which include silicon dioxide, are presented in the form of a powder that dries up bedbugs. This is a safe product that protects the apartment from insects for a long time, but the first effect is noticeable only after a week.

A faster effect has the drug “Karbofos”, which is available in the form of a liquid that paralyzes insects. It protects housing well from bloodsucking, but it can be dangerous for people and pets, so it is important to carefully study the instructions before use.

Whatever means of dealing with bed bugs are chosen, the most effective way to destroy them is professional pest control.


To reduce the risk of bedbugs in the apartment, it is recommended to take some preventive measures:

Use closed mattress toppers on mattresses, through which it will be difficult for insects to penetrate. Vacuum the apartment every day and empty the dust container immediately after cleaning. Periodically spray essential oils indoors, the smell of which will repel parasites. Change or clean the mattress 2-3 times a year – this is a favorite place for bed bugs.


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