How to help with an epileptic seizure


February 19, 2023, 15:40 – BLiTZ – News

A seizure can happen to a person at any time. In the process of a seizure, the victim is unconscious and really needs the help of people who are next to him. The BLiTZ figured out how to provide first aid for an epileptic seizure and how to behave in a similar situation.

An epileptic seizure causes intense stimulation of the brain. A group of cells in one part of the brain loses electrical stability, which creates a strong electrical discharge that spreads to surrounding cells, disrupting normal functioning. Depending on the volume of brain damage, major and minor epileptic seizures are distinguished.

The state of the seizure is very frightening to others. An attack cannot be stopped or prevented. It is important to understand that a person in this state is not aware of anything and does not experience pain. If you happen to be near such a person, remain calm and follow the rules of first aid.

Minor epileptic seizure

Signs: loss of consciousness from a few seconds to a minute, breathing and pulse are normal, unseeing eyes, twitching of hands, head, lips, etc. Without realizing what is happening, a person leaves this state as suddenly as he enters it.

For first aid, seat and reassure the casualty. When the person comes to his senses, tell about the incident, perhaps this is the first seizure in life. Advise to see a doctor.

Grand mal seizure

Signs: there is an unpleasant taste in the mouth, smell, loss of consciousness. Breathing may stop, but is quickly restored. The pulse is normal. The victim loses consciousness and falls to the floor and begins to convulse. The pupils do not react to light, the face turns pale, and then turns blue, foam comes from the mouth. The duration of such a seizure is from 20 seconds to 2 minutes.

If you notice the above signs in a nearby person, try to hold him so that he does not injure himself when falling. Lay him on the floor and put something soft under his head. Open the collar. During convulsions, do not try to restrain the person and do not unclench your teeth. With increased salivation and vomiting, the patient should be laid on his side and his head turned to the side. You need to wait until the attack ends and observe in order to tell the doctor everything in detail. It’s important to keep the time. If the duration of the attacks lasts from 5 to 30 minutes, you need to call an ambulance.

After an attack, the patient feels weak, exhausted, or falls asleep. Don’t wake him up. It is necessary to stay close when the period of confused consciousness is over and the victim has fully recovered.


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