Internal correspondence of ANI, made public. Integrity Council: It is unacceptable language. It is the author’s opinion only


I have recently noticed that there has been a series of publications of the private correspondence of the Council and ANI. This correspondence contains, among other things, personal attacks and licentious and unacceptable language from a member of the Council to other members, as well as to colleagues within ANI.

Author: Constata ANI.

Authority representatives say that the views expressed by this Council member are entirely his own and do not reflect the views or values ​​of the Integrity Council as an entity.

Advertisement The accusations contained in those messages are unfounded, irresponsible, and have no factual or legal support.

Author: Says those from ANI

Moreover, the Integrity Council assures that it respects the standards of transparency, responsibility and integrity.

We are currently investigating this unfortunate situation and once all the facts are established, we will take the necessary steps to avoid such incidents in the future.

Author: Add ANI

The reaction of the authority comes after the politician Vlad Bilețchi he posted on his Facebook page a series of fragments that would be detached from ANI’s internal correspondence. In one of the messages, a member of the Integrity Council writes that “The ANI contest is rigged. New shame”.


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