It is necessary to carefully study the medical history of Kostomarov – medical lawyer


February 16, 2023, 16:33 – BLiTZ – News The already grave condition of figure skater Roman Kostomarov has deteriorated sharply. The day before, doctors again placed him in an artificial coma, and now his lungs have almost completely failed. Such consequences of COVID-19 are almost unprecedented, which, of course, cannot but raise questions, including for the doctors of the Olympic champion.

The BLiTZ discussed the situation with Anna Oreshkova, a medical lawyer, a medical lawyer, an infectious disease specialist, a former chief infectious disease specialist of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, a lawyer for the Society for the Protection of Patients’ Rights, a member of the Trunov, Aivar and Partners law firm.

“I have not studied Roman’s medical records, I don’t know all the details of the course of diseases and treatment, and it’s incorrect to draw conclusions based on simple data from the network. Although yes, there are cases when there really is the fault of doctors, of course, ”said the lawyer.

Oreshkova emphasizes that each case is considered individually, and there is no such thing as indiscriminately talking about doctors, they say, yes, they are to blame, everything is as usual, they don’t treat, they don’t want to, and so on.

“… based on information from the Internet, I think that in the case of Kostomarov, doctors are just fighting for the patient’s life for a long time and selflessly and are doing everything possible.”

“Medical documentation is studied very carefully, experts are involved, all this is done very objectively and scientifically. And only after all the study, the anamnesis, including the health of the patient, and so on, conclusions are drawn. As I have already said, it is incorrect to state something based on data from the network, but it is precisely based on information from the Internet that I think that in the case of Kostomarov, doctors are fighting for the patient’s life for a long time and selflessly and are doing everything possible, ”- I’m sure Oreshkova.

The disease itself is quite complicated, and this despite the fact that the patient goes in for sports, leads a healthy lifestyle, so the features of the course of the disease affect here. According to the infectious disease specialist, Kostomarov’s relatives will figure it out on their own and decide whether to file complaints or not, but everything should be done reasonably, reasonably and, of course, having studied all the medical documentation very accurately – in general, the entire case.


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