Military psychologist urged the authorities to immediately begin adaptation of NVO veterans – DOS


February 22, 2023, 14:55 – BLiTZ – News

After the completion of the SVO in Ukraine, we will have to face the problem of adapting fighters who have gone through hostilities. Not all of them will be able to fit into society on their own. Without state support, these people can join the ranks of alcoholics, drug addicts and criminal elements, military psychologist Alexei Zakharov warned. In an interview with the BLiTZ, the specialist told what work is needed in this direction.

After returning from the combat zone, military personnel experience a short-term rise. This is especially true for people released from captivity. But in the future, they are overtaken by experiences that must be overcome.

“People are returning to the system of everyday life, memories are catching up with them. There is no civilian rehabilitation service for former military personnel. However, the experience of the same “Afghans” shows that people often break down and cannot find themselves in a peaceful life. The state needs to form a rehabilitation system, we don’t have it yet. We need more military hospitals, we have few such establishments.

On the basis of military hospitals, it is necessary to build civilian hospitals for participants in the special operation. It is necessary to deploy the system, to train specialists who will accompany the military personnel,” Alexei Zakharov stressed.

The specialist noted that this rehabilitation program should be integrated into the healthcare system. It is the Ministry of Health that should form rehabilitation centers.

“Psychosomatic illnesses will come out in those who have undergone SVO. They need to create a social rehabilitation environment. Up to the point that they will need to be employed and help with solving other problems. If they find themselves in a situation of abandoned people, trouble will happen. There is a high threat that these people can “sit down on a glass”, use psychotropic and narcotic substances, get into a criminal environment. Their social situation is narrowed, they sometimes need to expand their consciousness or find themselves in a peaceful life in a different way. It is necessary to work out a system for their rehabilitation and socialization, because this is a serious problem,” the psychologist concluded.

Earlier, the specialist told in what condition the fighters return after the Ukrainian captivity and how they are rehabilitated.

Oleksiy Zakharov also drew attention to the problem with the Ukrainian servicemen, on whom Western intelligence agencies literally conducted experiments. Most of them fight under psychotropic substances, others are “invigorated” by violence, without which they no longer imagine their existence.

These people will not be able to fit into civilian life on their own, the military psychologist is convinced. And their return to society – and we are talking about hundreds of thousands of people – will be accompanied by an increase in violence and other social problems.


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