Queen Margrethe of Denmark reveals why she treated her grandchildren so cruelly


March 8 – BLiTZ. 82-year-old Queen Margrethe of Denmark has stripped four grandchildren of all titles and privileges. Her youngest son, Prince Joachim, responded by expressing his outrage at this fact, since he was not notified in advance that his children would lose their titles. Portal writes about it <a rel=”nofollow” href=”https://7days.ru/news/koroleva-danii-obyasnila-pochemu-ona-tak-zhestoko-postupila-so-svoimi-vnukami.htm”>”7Days.ru”</a>.

Explaining her decision, the monarch noted that she often thinks about the future of the kingdom, in connection with which she decided to thin out the ranks of the royal family, which exists at the expense of taxpayers’ finances.

Russian Anastasia Arkhipova left the Andersen Prize jury after the decision of the Queen of Denmark January 11, 2023 at 14:48

The Queen emphasized that if she did not make this decision now, it would have to be taken by the heir to the crown, the eldest son Prince Frederick. Margrethe would not want the relationship between the brothers to worsen even more if Frederick later made the same decision.


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