Rising sea level, will Chennai and Kolkata drown? danger looming over the metropolis


Some Asian megacities, as well as the western tropical Pacific Islands and the western Indian Ocean, could be adversely affected by sea level rise this century, new research has revealed.

The research team identified several Asian megacities that could face particularly significant risks by 2100 if high levels of greenhouse gas emissions continue. These metros include Chennai, Kolkata, Yangon, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City and Manila.

The study examines natural fluctuations taking into account the projected rise in sea level due to climate change. The study gathered information on impacts by mapping sea level risk areas around the world. This study has been published in the journal ‘Nature Climate Change’.

Scientists have long known that as ocean temperatures rise, its level rises. This is because water expands when it is warm and the melting of ice caps adds more water to the oceans. Various studies have also indicated that sea level rise will vary regionally, as changes in ocean currents could lead to more water on some coastlines, including the northeastern US.


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