The “Mihai Eminescu” National Theater invites the audience to three shows


“An Autumnal Adventure” by Semion Zlotnikov, April 11, 6:30 p.m.,

She is alone, he, no less. Two autumn solitudes meet and start a spring, not lacking in storms but also in the sun!

“An autumn adventure”: an unusual foray into the domestic universe of our days; sweet-sour comedy, farce with implications, full of sparkling lines; the show presents a relentless x-ray of the life of a couple who always wants to start over…


A fall adventure

“Mihai Eminescu” National Theater

“Packed love” by Tatiana Lazăr, April 12 at 6:30 p.m

Mothers gone to Italy and their children left at home, is there still room for communication, affection and understanding between them? Can the “voice on the phone” replace the mother or the child? What are the traumas of this separation, how can human ruptures and upsets be avoided? The conflict of the woman at work between the old Italians, the children and the old parents left at home – this is the map that the narrative voice on the stage and the audience in the hall travel. The drama is one of poverty, of a country in Eastern Europe and this country has a name – Moldova. The after-effects of the distance, of the break-up are longing, hence the attempt to compensate for the pain through the gift packages sent by the mother from Italy. The boxes with Italian goods become a metonymic substitute for family love, the object dimension brings Italy in front of the children, as if the mother comes home every time. A painful show, a show about our perpetual transition with all its wounds.


Packaged love

“Mihai Eminescu” National Theater

“The Files of Siberia” by Petru Hadârcă, April 13 at 6:00 p.m

A show commemorating the attempts to exterminate Romanians from the Pruto-Dniester area during the Soviet occupation of Bessarabia (1940, 1944-1991) through organized starvation and systematic deportations.


The files of Siberia

“Mihai Eminescu” National Theater



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