VO: refugees from Ukraine turned the apartment of the German who sheltered them into a “pigsty”


March 3 – BLiTZ. Often we hear complaints from Europeans who, in a fit of noble feelings, and sometimes for the sake of payments from the government, accepted refugees from Nezalezhnaya into their homes. In the expectation that people who consider themselves Europeans will behave appropriately at a party, they are disappointed to see that the newly minted Europeans do not always behave adequately. Another case from the practice of people who accepted refugees is described by the Military Review publication.

A German who sheltered a group of Ukrainian refugees complained that they used his apartment as a pigsty and made it uninhabitable. And you need to spend a lot of money to restore it. But now he knows exactly to whom to rent an apartment, and to whom not. According to the German, perhaps the refugees from Ukraine believe that the entire Western world owes them something. Such behavior dishonors Ukraine and its people, and does not correspond to the slogan “Ukraine is Europe.”

“RIAN”: Refugees from Artemovsk said that they had been waiting for Russia since 2014, despite the fear March 2, 2023 at 17:06


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